Friday, April 26, 2013

For those who will

God has placed on my heart the need to remind the church of a few matters that are being overlooked in his word that are causing Christians everywhere problems that ought not be.
I am to always present a message for those who have not made the decision yet, so for those who have not:
 I believe without a doubt, that these are the early stages of the last days we are living in. The signs of the times have never before been as obvious as they are now. If that is the case, and since the word doesn’t say how long those days will last before the end, it is possible that those who have not accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior don’t have much time left to do so. Though Jesus did say that no man, nor even he, knows the day or the hour of the end, only the Father knows those things.  (Mark: 13 v 32) He did give us in God’s word (the bible) the signs to look for that signal the end is near, and we are seeing many, many of those signs in this day. Also the signs that God is calling to those who have not accepted Jesus as their Savior are stronger now than I believe they have ever been. Many who are lost are being urged by the Spirit of God to come to Jesus.
Acts: 16: 31
Have you recently become acutely aware of the wrong in your life, no matter how good or generous you believe you are? Then God is calling you with his merciful Spirit. Have you suddenly or over a period of time realized that there has got to be a better way, and that no efforts for this fulfillment on your part have achieved this goal? Not money, not a better job, not finer clothes, not more friends, parties, or the consumption of every legal or illegal device that is supposed to ease the burden? Are these things just not doing it? God is calling you ! Do you, or have you found yourself more intently listening to those who are saved and find yourself being drawn to the message of Jesus that they present  more and more. God is calling you by his Grace and Mercy! Are you here reading this message today seeking  comfort, and truth? God is calling you! The reason that you seek truth in the things of this world and never really receive any true comfort in them, is that the things of the world are offered and controlled by our enemy, Satan: The God of this world, The King of lies. You were created by the God of heaven. He knew you before you were in your mother’s womb. He knows you now and he wants you to come to him so that he may make you whole again. The Holy Spirit of God is quickening your soul to accept Christ and let him enter you for the comfort that you seek. All you have to do is believe and step out on faith when the minister calls. Do that, and follow that Holy Spirit’s instruction into the works that will result from there on.  There’s no other way to reach God and be forgiven but by accepting  Jesus Christ and “obeying”his word.
 John 14: 6    Math. 11: 28, 29, 30.
You should then be baptized by water. It is another act of faith that the Father loves dearly. It is a time that  you will show God you are dying to self, being buried as Christ was and arising as a new creature. You are born again. At this time you can also expect to receive all of the wondrous gifts and promises from God. (Mark 1: 9, 10.)
 Also you will be baptized in another way at this time, ( if you truly believe) . You could, but not always at this time, receive a promise that will come) that only Christ can do for those who truly love him. It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire, and you will receive POWER. ( Math. 3: 11, 12)
He sends the Holy Spirit, the Comforter to dwell in you as a guide, a teacher, a counselor, when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Then he begins a cleansing process through the power of his word (the BIBLE) that if you seek it you will find how the Lord wants you to be and the things that you have held on to in order to be fulfilled, will most likely begin to lose their hold on you as the baptism of fire burns the chaff from your heart. It is a cleansing fire that God gives you, causing you to see the sin in your life and giving you more and more strength to turn from those things that are not of God. You will no doubt gain the conviction from this Spirit that will urge you to repentance. PRAISE GOD FOR THIS WONDEROUS BAPTISM.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is also the way God empowers us for the work he has laid out ahead.
This can sometimes be a bit painful depending on how-----YOU are. Are you proud, or stubborn.? ALLOW THE FIRE TO BURN IT OUT,(fire burns) but it is necessary for we must all be born again. (John 3: 7) and a new man or woman must emerge from this decision you have made. Not a made up pretense, but a new creation from the power of the Holy Spirit within you. You will be rewarded by him for that, in your soul. He will lead you into all truth. (John 16: 13.......15:26)
There is a song out now by a popular group that sings songs of Christ. A line in one of their latest hits reads: “You were made for so much more than all of this”. Another song that has touched the hearts of many and is sang in churches everywhere: Amazing Grace...How sweet the sound.  It is by Gods Grace that we are saved. And did you notice this song says that grace has a sound.
I would have to say that this sound is the Holy Spirit assuring you that you are His by the wonderful Grace of God. Remember he speaks to you all truth.
For those who have accepted Jesus as your savior and know without a doubt that Jesus and all that he is has redeemed you from  the sin that once held you in bondage:  Do you yearn to be more for Christ? Do you still feel like there should be more in your walk? Do you want to be closer and closer to Christ? Are you still wondering or maybe even fearing a closer walk that can give you more than just the milk of a baby for those who have just came to Christ? Do you truly feel that your soul is being fed from the word of God as it should be or are you in a slump, not really feeling the freedom that God has for those that are his.  Hebrews: 5: 12,13. 1 Peter 2 :2.  Keep walking with him in that child like faith that you had when you first believed and it will grow. Keep trusting and moving forward as a little child as you listen and hear his still small voice.
 It is written that  (those who truly believe)  will been given  abilities and gifts from the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. (Rom. 12.) These gifts have been given to help the church in growth and for the Good of the church. Many of these gifts may seem strange to us at times, but I say to you they are all very important to the body of Christ and should not be ignored. Let’s search the word and find these gifts and abilities that have been given to those that are his, many of which have been and are being ignored by many churches today. We just mentioned a few and some bare repeating as we will soon see. I will explain these gifts in my next message.